
60.3(e) also stipulates that communities:

(7) Prohibit man-made alteration of sand dunes and mangrove stands

(8) Require that manufactured homes be subject to the same rules that have been discussed with (e)(2)-(7)

(9) Require that RVs must be road-ready, licensed and only in position for fewer than 180 consecutive days, and be subject to the regulations (e)(2)-(7)

Note: A mangrove stand is defined by FEMA as: “An assemblage of mangrove trees which are mostly low trees noted for a copious development of interlacing adventitious roots above the ground and which contains one or more of the following species: Black mangrove, red mangrove, white mangrove, and buttonwood. Mangrove stands provide significant flood protection in some coastal areas by protecting landward areas from wave impacts. Human alteration of mangrove stands within V Zones is prohibited unless it can be demonstrated that such alteration will not increase potential flood damage.”

HM Floodplain Management Specialists should verify if the state or local community has adopted higher standards for construction in coastal high hazard areas. Being familiar with the higher standards allows the proper assistance to local communities.