NFIP Claims Process

HM Insurance staff explain the NFIP claims process to others. The process is relatively straightforward:

  • The insured party contacts his or her insurance representative – either Direct NFIP or Write Your Own (WYO) company – to begin the claims process.
  • An authorized adjuster inspects the site.
  • An authorized adjuster notifies the insurance company.
  • The insurance company pays the claim and, if a WYO company, submits the claim to NFIP for reimbursement.

The claims process does not typically involve HM Insurance staff unless there is conflict or confusion for the insured.

  • In such cases, the HM Insurance staff may contact the policyholder, the insurance adjuster, or the insurance company, during the claims process.
  • HM Insurance staff should never interpret how a claim is to be adjusted. If HM Insurance staff becomes involved, they merely become conduits of information to facilitate the claim process.
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