Course Objectives

Welcome to IS-45 Continuous Improvement Overview.

By the end of this course, you should be able to:

  • Define Continuous Improvement and understand its importance.
  • Describe the Continuous Improvement Process and its four phases.
  • Describe what makes a Continuous Improvement Program effective.

Throughout the course, various terms will be linked to their definitions. These definitions will open in pop-up windows.

A full list of the course terminology can be found in the PDF document by clicking this link: IS-45 Continuous Improvement Overview Course Terminology.

The following screens will explain how to navigate and use the features of this course.

Continuous Improvement Process Graphic: Discovery, Validation, Resolution, Evaluation
Image of clock
This course should take approximately 1 hour to complete.
Receiving Credit
Students must complete the entire course and pass the final exam to receive credit.
Course Overview
  1. What Is Continuous Improvement?
  2. What Is the Continuous Improvement Process?
    • 2A. What Is the Discovery Phase?
    • 2B. What Is the Validation Phase?
    • 2C. What Is the Resolution Phase?
    • 2D. What Is the Evaluation Phase?
  3. What Makes a Continuous Improvement Program Effective?
  4. Course Wrap-Up
  5. Course Exam
1. What Is Continuous Improvement?

The following section will discuss:

  • The definition of Continuous Improvement.
  • The importance of practicing Continuous Improvement.
  • Example Continuous Improvement products.
1. What is Continuous Improvement? (Current Section) 2. What Is the Continuous Improvement Process? 2A. What Is the Discovery Phase? 2B. What Is the Validation Phase? 2C. What Is the Resolution Phase? 2D. What Is the Evaluation Phase? 3. What Makes a Continuous Improvement Program Effective? 4. Course Wrap-Up 5. Course Exam
Defining Continuous Improvement

Continuous Improvement helps emergency managers to drive change after incidents and exercises and to better prepare for future disasters (Reminder: Clicking linked terms will open the definition in a pop up window).

Continuous Improvement involves:

Emergency managers at all levels of government, in the private sector, and in nongovernmental organizations can conduct Continuous Improvement activities to create a more secure and resilient nation.

Importance of Continuous Improvement

Continuous Improvement increases the effectiveness of response and recovery efforts by ensuring emergency managers are able to routinely identify strengths, areas for improvement, potential best practices, and mission critical issues. Once identified, emergency managers should improve corresponding plans, policies, and procedures.

In recent history, lessons learned from disasters have been used to inform and update laws and plans to ensure preparedness across the nation. These laws and plans include:

2018-2022 FEMA Strategic Plan Goals
Continuous Improvement Products
The following are examples of products generated through the Continuous Improvement Process to help identify trends so that emergency managers can proactively implement and sustain improvement actions.
CIP Products: After-Action Report: Provide retrospective analysis of an incident or exercise, outlining strengths, areas for improvement, potential best practices, and mission critical issues. Trend Analysis: Review recurring observations and changes over time. Decision Support Products: Operationalize past lessons learned to support current or future operations
2. What is the Continuous Improvement Process?

The following section will discuss the Continuous Improvement Process and its four phases:

  • Discovery
  • Validation
  • Resolution
  • Evaluation
1. What is Continuous Improvement? 2. What Is the Continuous Improvement Process? (Current Section)  2A. What Is the Discovery Phase? 2B. What Is the Validation Phase? 2C. What Is the Resolution Phase? 2D. What Is the Evaluation Phase? 3. What Makes a Continuous Improvement Program Effective? 4. Course Wrap-Up 5. Course Exam
Continuous Improvement Process

The Continuous Improvement Process is a system that helps emergency managers discover trends, learn lessons, and implement COAs. The process:

  • Promotes the efficient use of time, staff, and resources.
  • Advances state, local, tribal, and territorial preparedness to manage disaster operations.
  • Enables action planning and information sharing.
Continuous Improvement Process: Discovery, Validation, Resolution, Evaluation
2A. What Is the Discovery Phase?

The following section will discuss the Discovery phase of the Continuous Improvement Process, including how to plan for collection and methods for collecting data.

1. What is Continuous Improvement? 2. What Is the Continuous Improvement Process? 2A. What Is the Discovery Phase? (Current Section) 2B. What Is the Validation Phase? 2C. What Is the Resolution Phase? 2D. What Is the Evaluation Phase? 3. What Makes a Continuous Improvement Program Effective? 4. Course Wrap-Up 5. Course Exam
Continuous Improvement Process: Discovery

The purpose of the Discovery phase is to collect information to identify trends across incidents and exercises. The goal of the collection process is to:

  • Evaluate actions taken to correct previous issues.
  • Gather information on priority focus areas for leadership.
  • Measure effectiveness of new plans, policies, and procedures.
  • Validate risk and assess capabilities.

 The Discovery phase consists of two key elements:

  • Planning for collection to ensure that information is collected, managed, and shared in a systematic and deliberate manner.
  • Collecting data using a variety of methods.
Continuous Improvement Process: Discovery
Collection Analysis Plan (CAP)

A Collection Analysis Plan (CAP) organizes and establishes a clear way forward for data collection efforts. CAP development begins either during or after a real-world incident. It should be finalized as soon as possible to ensure all collection efforts align to the plan.

There are seven essential elements of a CAP:

  1. Brief description of the incident (e.g., name, type, duration).
  2. Statement on the purpose and scope of the effort.
  3. Priority focus areas (i.e., what specific issues will be analyzed).
  4. Methodology for collecting data (i.e., what qualitative and quantitative data).
  5. Roles and responsibilities of personnel supporting data collection.
  6. Tentative schedule for data collection, analysis, and reporting.
  7. Potential constraints (e.g., scope, schedule, resources) and mitigation strategies for each.
Data Collection Methods

Various methods can be used during the Discovery phase to collect data on the priority focus areas identified in the CAP. These are the most commonly used methods which will be discussed in this course:

Data Collection Methods: Direct Observation, Interviews, Document Review, Feedback Forms and Surveys, Information Management Systems and Source Databases, Hot Washes
Method: Direct Observation

Definition: The observation of staff in their work environment to gather information about processes, outcomes, and activities without interfering.

Example: While responding to a hurricane in Florida, Continuous Improvement personnel attended meetings with response staff and noted major operational challenges and strengths in real time.


  • Offers real-time data collection.
  • Requires many resources to observe multiple venues simultaneously.
Direct Observation Method
Method: Documentation Review

Definition: A comprehensive review of existing documents that serve as the authoritative record of activities.

Example: Following a major flood in Austin, Texas, Continuous Improvement personnel reviewed Incident Action Plans (IAPs), press releases, field office reports, geospatial products, and relevant plans and interagency agreements.


  • Can help validate information received through interviews.
  • Can be time-consuming and labor-intensive to review and synthesize.
Document Review Method
Method: Information Management Systems and Source Databases

Definition: Systems and databases that collect and organize comprehensive information on costs, staff, resources, and other disaster-related data.

Example: Continuous Improvement personnel in New Orleans used the city’s database of financial transactions to evaluate hurricane response costs over time.


  • Analysis may require guidance and interpretation from subject-matter experts.
  • May require technical familiarity with using the system or database.
Information Management Systems and Source Database Method
Method: Interviews

Definition: A meeting with an individual or group to collect perspectives after an incident or exercise on what happened and why.

Example: While conducting an interview, Continuous Improvement personnel learned of a communications issue that was interfering with situational awareness and asked follow-up questions for more detail to inform COAs to correct the issue.


  • Used to understand incident details and explore different perspectives about particular topics.
  • Enables in-depth discussions of key issues, often involving subject-matter experts.
  • Can be difficult to schedule during or immediately following an exercise or incident.
Interviews Method
Method: Feedback Forms and Surveys

Definition: A series of questions sent to a pre-defined group of respondents after an incident or exercise to collect information on what happened and why.

Example: Continuous Improvement personnel deployed a post-incident survey to collect feedback from response staff about the challenges they faced and whether they needed additional resources.


  • Can use prior to an interview to help scope what to ask or after an interview to validate or expand on information gathered.
  • Easy to administer and provides first-hand information from participants.
  • Gathers information from a large number of staff. 
  • Narrative responses to open-ended questions often vary in specificity and quality and offer limited opportunity for follow-up with survey respondents.
Feedback Forms and Surveys Method
Method: Hot Washes

Definition: A facilitated group discussion held soon after an incident or exercise to gather initial thoughts on what worked well, what needs improvement, and potential COAs.

Example: After a counterterrorism exercise in New York City, the response staff participating in the exercise convened to debrief and discuss potential solutions to challenges identified.


  • Usually conducted when the response phase has ended but before teams demobilize.
  • Enables a group to more thoroughly discuss specific issues.
  • Requires a skilled facilitator to ensure an open and collaborative discussion.
Hot Washes Method
2B. What Is the Validation Phase?

The following section will discuss the Validation phase of the Continuous Improvement Process, including relevant data analysis techniques and observation reporting.

1. What is Continuous Improvement? 2. What Is the Continuous Improvement Process? 2A. What Is the Discovery Phase? 2B. What Is the Validation Phase? (Current Section) 2C. What Is the Resolution Phase? 2D. What Is the Evaluation Phase? 3. What Makes a Continuous Improvement Program Effective? 4. Course Wrap-Up 5. Course Exam
Continuous Improvement Process: Validation

During the Validation phase, Continuous Improvement Personnel analyze data collected from plans, trainings, exercises, real-world incidents, capability assessments, and/or steady-state activities to identify and ensure the accuracy of observations and potential COAs. 

The Validation phase consists of two key elements:

  • Conducting data analysis of collected data to identify conclusions, insights, and trends.
  • Reporting analyses, observations, and potential COAs.
Continuous Improvement Process: Validation
Data Analysis Techniques

Continuous Improvement personnel may use the following techniques during their data analysis efforts:

  • Real-Time Analysis: Conducting analysis during ongoing operations.
  • Event Reconstruction: Consolidating information from multiple sources into a single, fact-based account of what happened during an incident.
  • Root Cause Analysis: A structured process for determining the originating factor(s) that directly led to a specific outcome.
  • Synthesis: Compiling and reviewing data from multiple sources to identify common issues.
  • Trend Analysis: Identifying recurring strengths or challenges and changes in both over time.
Reporting Observations

Data collected and analyzed can be communicated through written observations, which explain what occurred and provide supporting evidence.

An observation should be reported and disseminated when:

  • There is supporting evidence from multiple sources.
  • There is demonstrable operational impact.
  • Rigorous synthesis, event reconstruction, and/or root cause analysis has been conducted.
  • The observation is different from other observations.

Observations from an incident or exercise can be compiled into an AAR or used to inform the development of other Continuous Improvement products.

Types of Observations
The figure below describes the four types of observations:
Types of Observations
Please click here to view image alt text.
Elements of an Observation

Strong observations include these elements:

  • Topic Sentence: Make a specific assertion or claim about something that occurred regarding a particular topic and describe the impact.
    • Example: Emergency Medical Services (EMS) crews were not given incident-specific equipment checklists, which resulted in EMS crews not bringing enough HazMat suits and lengthened the time it took for first responders to reach survivors in the contaminated area.
    • In this example topic sentence, the topic is EMS crews and incident-specific equipment checklists. The specific assertion is that EMS crews were not given incident-specific equipment checklists. The impact is that EMS crews did not bring enough HazMat suits, lengthening the time it took to reach survivors.
  • Discussion of Evidence: Elaborate on the topic sentence by providing relevant background information and supporting evidence to detail what happened, why it happened, and the impact.
  • Desired Outcome(s): Describe the ideal future state when action is taken on an observation.
  • COA(s): List the actions that could be taken to meet the desired outcome(s). These can be proposed by interviewees or other subject-matter experts.
2C. What Is the Resolution Phase?

The following section will discuss the Resolution phase of the Continuous Improvement Process, including how to conduct Improvement Planning Workshops and develop action plans.

1. What is Continuous Improvement? 2. What Is the Continuous Improvement Process? 2A. What Is the Discovery Phase? 2B. What Is the Validation Phase? 2C. What Is the Resolution Phase? (Current Section) 2D. What Is the Evaluation Phase? 3. What Makes a Continuous Improvement Program Effective? 4. Course Wrap-Up 5. Course Exam
Continuous Improvement Process: Resolution

During the Resolution phase, Continuous Improvement personnel should use observations to develop and finalize appropriate COAs.

The Resolution phase consists of two key elements:

  • Conducting an Improvement Planning Workshop (IPW) to socialize observations and develop and finalize COAs.
  • Developing an action plan to adopt COAs that maintain strengths, institutionalize best practices, and address areas for improvement and mission critical issues.
Continuous Improvement Process: Resolution
Characteristics of a Course of Action (COA)

Continuous Improvement personnel develop COAs to take action on observations. Effective COAs should:

  • Be based on validated observations.
  • Be reviewed by subject-matter experts.
  • Be developed in coordination with and assigned to a responsible entity for implementation.
  • Include a clearly defined timeline for completion.
Improvement Planning Workshops (IPW)

An IPW is a means for developing and implementing COAs. Participants should engage in productive discussion and implement any COAs assigned to them. Workshop participants should include:

  • Leaders and subject-matter experts from the responsible entities.
  • Analysts who developed the observations.
  • Staff who will track and evaluate the actions.

There are three goals that participants should accomplish during an IPW:

  • Agree on a list of COAs to take.
  • Identify the entities responsible for implementing the COAs.
  • Develop timelines for completing the COAs.
Improvement Planning Workshop (IPW) Activities

An IPW may consist of the following activities:

  • Presentations: Participants share important information on observations.
  • Trend Analysis: Illustrate how often a particular observation has been identified in the past.
  • Breakout Discussions: Focus discussion on key issues that are important to a specific set of participants.
  • Problem Solving Exercises: Help participants identify COAs that will address the root cause of the problem and consider other steps to addressing these issues.
  • Facilitated Group Discussions: Participants discuss priorities, possible solutions, and responsibilities for COAs.
  • Analysis Training: Help participants to continue the necessary analysis with their office or jurisdiction as they work to complete their COAs.
Developing an Action Plan

COAs finalized during the IPW are transferred into an action plan. The plan provides a common operating picture of what actions are being taken, who is taking them (e.g., the responsible entity), and when they will be complete.

An action plan manager or accountable tracking body should be identified to track updates to the plan, maintain accountability, and provide updates on progress made.

2D. What Is the Evaluation Phase?

The following section will discuss the Evaluation phase of the Continuous Improvement Process, including how to conduct action tracking and share information.

1. What is Continuous Improvement? 2. What Is the Continuous Improvement Process? 2A. What Is the Discovery Phase? 2B. What Is the Validation Phase? 2C. What Is the Resolution Phase? 2D. What Is the Evaluation Phase? (Current Section) 3. What Makes a Continuous Improvement Program Effective? 4. Course Wrap-Up 5. Course Exam
Continuous Improvement Process: Evaluation

During the Evaluation phase, Continuous Improvement personnel examine the implementation of COAs and determine the extent to which they have maintained strengths, institutionalized best practices, and addressed areas for improvement and mission critical issues.

The Evaluation phase consists of two key elements:

  • Action tracking to ensure accountability and implementation of COAs.
  • Information sharing with relevant stakeholders on the COAs being implemented.
Continuous Improvement Process: Evaluation
Action Tracking

Action tracking is the primary accountability function of the Continuous Improvement Process.

The action plan manager or accountable tracking body should communicate regularly with the responsible entities with assigned COAs on:

  • Implementation progress.
  • Resource shortfalls.
  • Other potential risks and limiting factors.

Implementation of COAs should ideally happen before the next disaster.

Action Tracking Methods

COAs may have multiple tasks that need to be tracked. The following are the most common tracking methods:

  • Units Completed: Useful for tracking tasks that are done repeatedly, where iteration of each unit can easily be measured.
  • Incremental Milestones: Used in cases that involve subtasks that need to be completed in an orderly fashion.
  • Start to Finish: Focused solely on capturing the starting point and the finishing point of the task and nothing in between.
  • Cost Ratio: Usually implemented on a project that has tasks that occur over a long phase or the entire project.
  • Improved Performance: Helpful for measuring progress changed against a measurable target.
Information Sharing

Various stakeholders may be interested in knowing the status and progress on the implementation of COAs:

  • Leadership, who has a vested interest in the status of changes.
  • Other emergency managers, who can learn from successful COAs.
  • Interviewees, who want to know the impact of their participation in the Continuous Improvement Process.
  • The general public, who may want to know how services or processes may change.

Sharing information should become a routine part of stakeholder engagement. Building stakeholder relationships will help develop a positive perception of a Continuous Improvement Program.

3. What Makes a Continuous Improvement Program Effective?

The following section will discuss how to effectively manage a Continuous Improvement Program and the qualities of a successful program.

1. What is Continuous Improvement? 2. What Is the Continuous Improvement Process? 2A. What Is the Discovery Phase? 2B. What Is the Validation Phase? 2C. What Is the Resolution Phase? 2D. What Is the Evaluation Phase? 3. What Makes a Continuous Improvement Program Effective? (Current Section) 4. Course Wrap-Up 5. Course Exam
Program Management

Effective programs must excel at each phase of the Continuous Improvement Process while also managing:

  • Strong communication of ideas and concerns.
  • Change management to guide individuals in adopting change.
  • Accountability to ensure COAs are tracked to completion.
Continuous Improvement Process: Discovery, Validation, Resolution, Evaluation
Strong Communication

Personnel should evaluate the following considerations when trying to establish strong communication for a Continuous Improvement Program:

  • Staff at all programmatic levels should have an outlet to express ideas or concerns about an incident.
  • Establishing strong channels of communication will encourage creative problem-solving and move progress forward.
  • It is critical to keep all relevant stakeholders informed of what is occurring throughout the Continuous Improvement Process.
  • It is often difficult to explain the immediate benefits of a Continuous Improvement Program, as many initiatives take time to complete.
Change Management

Change management guides how we prepare, equip, and support individuals to successfully adopt change in order to drive organizational success and outcomes at three levels:

  • Individual: Requires understanding how people experience change and what they need to successfully implement change, including messaging, coaching, and training.
  • Group: Involves identifying the groups and people that require change as a result of the project, what needs to change, and creating an action plan for ensuring impacted employees receive the awareness, leadership, coaching, and training needed.
  • Organizational: Incorporates change into your organization’s roles, structures, processes, projects, and leadership competencies and ensures change management processes are consistently and effectively applied.

As previously discussed, a Continuous Improvement Program should develop appropriate methods to track the progress of COAs. This should include:

  • Identifying staff that will be accountable for implementing COAs.
  • Collaboratively implementing and tracking COAs.
  • Meeting regularly to monitor progress and record changes.
  • Taking action to directly address the most important issues.
  • Ensuring that progress updates are tracked until completion.
Qualities of a Successful Program

The most successful and impactful Continuous Improvement Programs do the following:

  • Obtain commitment throughout the organization: Staff at all levels must be supportive of the same Continuous Improvement goals
  • Ensure everyone is involved: Staff at all levels need to be involved in the Continuous Improvement Process.
  • Maintain strong communications: Keep all relevant stakeholders aware of Continuous Improvement progress until each COA is completed.
  • Routinely revisit Continuous Improvement activities: Establish a regular routine to evaluate Continuous Improvement methods and make modifications to make future Continuous Improvement activities more effective.
  • Remain patient: A culture of Continuous Improvement will take time to build and will require consistent commitment to the Continuous Improvement Process.
4. Course Wrap-Up

The following section will provide:

  • A summary of the course.
  • Information about the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program and the Continuous Improvement Planning Toolkit.
  • A course reference list.
  • A course terminology list.
  • Information about asking questions and providing feedback about the course.
1. What is Continuous Improvement? 2. What Is the Continuous Improvement Process? 2A. What Is the Discovery Phase? 2B. What Is the Validation Phase? 2C. What Is the Resolution Phase? 2D. What Is the Evaluation Phase? 3. What Makes a Continuous Improvement Program Effective? 4. Course Wrap-Up (Current Section) 5. Course Exam
Course Summary

This course equipped you with the knowledge and skills required to conduct Continuous Improvement activities with the aim to help improve operational and programmatic outcomes by building upon what it does well, correcting what needs to be fixed, and sharing actionable information throughout the emergency management enterprise.

The objectives of this training were to:

  • Define Continuous Improvement and understand its importance.
  • Describe the Continuous Improvement Process and its four phases.
  • Describe what makes a Continuous Improvement Program effective.
Continuous Improvement and the Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP)

The Homeland Security Exercise and Evaluation Program (HSEEP) establishes a common approach to exercises, including Continuous Improvement efforts during and after an exercise. It provides a set of guiding principles for exercise programs, as well as approaches to exercise program management, design and development, conduct, evaluation, and action planning.

Exercise evaluation assesses the ability to meet exercise objectives and core capabilities by documenting strengths, areas for improvement, potential best practices, mission critical issues, and COAs in AARs and action plans. Through action planning, emergency managers implement the COAs identified after an exercise to improve plans and build and sustain capabilities.

HSEEP Doctrine Cover
Continuous Improvement Planning Toolkit

FEMA has developed the Continuous Improvement Planning Toolkit (CIPT), which includes a set of standard tools, templates, and resources designed to assist state, local, tribal, and territorial partners with strengthening their own Continuous Improvement Programs.

The Toolkit includes over 20 tools and templates including:

  • CAP template.
  • Standard interview questions.
  • Notetaking template for interviews and hot washes.
  • AAR template.
  • Action plan template.

Start a free Preparedness Toolkit account using this link at Once you have an account, click on the Communities button on the homepage and join the “Continuous Improvement Planning Toolkit” community.

FEMA Preparedness Toolkit
Course Terminology
Click this link to access a PDF document with a full list of the course terminology.
Thank you for taking this microlearning session! We look forward to receiving your questions and feedback. We hope you found the presentation beneficial.
Course Questions and Feedback
  • To ask questions about this course, please email
  • We would appreciate your feedback on this course. Please complete the survey at this link.
5. Course Exam

You have reached the end of the course. The following screen will provide details on how to take the course exam.

1. What is Continuous Improvement? 2. What Is the Continuous Improvement Process? 2A. What Is the Discovery Phase? 2B. What Is the Validation Phase? 2C. What Is the Resolution Phase? 2D. What Is the Evaluation Phase? 3. What Makes a Continuous Improvement Program Effective? 4. Course Wrap-Up 5. Course Exam (Current Section)