The eGrants Internal System allows FEMA to electronically manage the processes of reviewing subapplications submitted to FEMA, preparing and amending award packages, and monitoring federal award implementation.
The Pre-Award Eligibility Workflow is the process of reviewing the submitted subapplications. The Pre-Award Eligibility Workflow begins with the Receipt and Delegate queue and then the Initial Review queue. From there, it branches into three concurrent queues: Cost Review, Planning Review, and Cost Effectiveness/Engineering Review. The Cost Effectiveness/Engineering Review queue is only used for project subapplications.
After these three reviews are completed, PDM subapplications follow a different workflow than FMA subapplications. FMA subapplications proceed directly to the Pre-Award Review and Environmental/Historic Preservation (EHP) Review, which can be performed concurrently. However, under the competitive PDM grant program, subapplications go through the PDM National Review Process, which is comprised of the National Technical Review queue (for project subapplications) and then the Subgrant Selection (for Award) queue (for all subapplications). After the PDM National Review Process, PDM subapplications proceed to the Pre-Award Review queue and, for project subapplications, the EHP Review queue.
After the EHP Review is completed, the Pre-Award Review can be completed; therefore, the Pre-Award Review is the last queue in the Pre-Award Eligibility Workflow.