ACCS Codes—Carryover Functionality
To fund federal awards that have periods of performance that will continue into the next fiscal year, the ACCS fund code and program code they are associated with must "carry over" to the next year. Headquarters FMA Coordinators and Headquarters PDM Coordinators can also enter ACCS—Carryover Codes into eGrants.

Alex will demonstrate how to enter and edit annual ACCS codes in eGrants.

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On the Program Administration screen, in the Administration Criteria section, select the award program from the Program Type drop-down menu (example: FMA) See Appendix for alt text description.To add an ACCS Carryover code, select the ACCS Codes - Carryover option on the Data Type dropdown menu on the Program Administration screen. See Appendix for alt text description.To add an ACCS Carryover code, select the Add button from the Program Administration - ACCS Codes - Carryover screen. See Appendix for alt text description.Enter the fund code (example: 05) and program code (example: 5302M2) into the respective text fields on the Program Administration - Modify ACCS Codes (Carryover) screen. Then select the Save button. See Appendix for alt text description.The Program Administration - ACCS Codes - Carryover screen lists the FY (2017), Fund Code (5), and Program Code (5302M2) you just entered. See Appendix for alt text description.On the Program Administration-ACCS Codes-Carryover screen, select the Edit icon for the program code you wish to modify. See Appendix for alt text description.To edit an ACCS fund or program code, enter the new information in the respective text fields on the Program Administration - Modify ACCS Codes (Carryover) screen. Then select the Save button. See Appendix for alt text description.
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From the Program Administration screen, select the “FMA” option from the Program drop-down menu. Select this link for the full text of the image.
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Select ACCS Codes—Carryover from the Data Type drop-down menu. Remember, the options that are available in the Data Type drop-down menu are determined by what grant program you have selected. Select the Submit button to process the request. Select this link for the full text of the image.
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On the Program Administration—ACCS Codes—Carryover screen, select the Add button to enter the Carryover Fund Code and Program Code. Select this link for the full text of the image.
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The Program Administration—Modify ACCS Codes (Carryover) screen appears. From here, you can add the carryover ACCS Codes. To carry over the FY 2017 fund code and program code into FY 2018, enter "05" in the Fund Code text field and “5302M2” in the Program Code text field. Then, select the Save button. Select this link for the full text of the image.
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The Carryover Fund Code and Program Code that you entered have been added to the list of Carryover ACCS codes. The other fields are automatically populated by the eGrants system. Select this link for the full text of the image.
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To edit the Carryover ACCS Codes, select the Edit icon. Select this link for the full text of the image.
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Input the updated Fund Code or Program Code. Then, select Save to make the change. Select this link for the full text of the image.