Subaward Closeout

A subaward can be closed out after the final awarded amount has been obligated and its period of performance has ended. Mitigation Specialists are able to close out subawards. To begin the Closeout process, a Subrecipient notifies the Recipient that the subaward is ready to be closed. The Recipient works with the Subrecipient as needed to complete a subaward closeout package. The Recipient submits the closeout package to FEMA when it is complete. The package contains the final quarterly reports, as well as specific documentation depending on the project type and type of subaward. A FEMA Mitigation Specialist reviews the documentation to verify that all the closeout requirements have been met.

Alex will demonstrate how to close out a subaward.

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All Grants screen sidebar menu. (Hyperlinks) MyRoles, Inbox, All Grants, Check In Tool, (selected and emphasized) CloseoutOn the Closeout screen, check the box in the Select Subgrant column for the subgrant ready to be closed out. See Appendix for alt text description.On the Closeout screen, enter the date (example: 06/19/2017) in the Close Date text field for the subgrant to be closed. See Appendix for alt text description.On the Closeout screen, the Final Federal Share is already completed (example: 21000) Select the Save button to close the subgrant. See Appendix for alt text description.Closeout Confirmation. The selected actions were performed for the following grants FMA-PL-04-FL-2010-006 was successfully closed. (Emphasized hyperlinks) Return to Closeout, Return to Inbox.Once a subgrant and grant have been closed out, no Revise icons appear on the left of their numbers on the All Grants screen (empty cells highlighted). See Appendix for alt text description.
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Listen to Alex

To close out a subaward, select the Closeout link on the Inbox screen.
Listen to Alex

The Closeout screen appears. Check the box in the Select Subgrant column associated with the subaward number to be closed out. Select this link for the full text of the image.
Listen to Alex

Enter the Close Date. For this subaward, enter the date 06/19/2017. Select this link for the full text of the image.
Listen to Alex

The Final Federal Share text field is already completed with the final obligated amount of $21,000. Select Save. Select this link for the full text of the image.
Listen to Alex

The Closeout Confirmation screen displays. Select the Return to Closeout link to continue to close out subawards, or select the Return to Inbox link.
Listen to Alex

After the subaward is closed, no revisions will be possible, so the Revision Request icon will not be displayed beside the subaward number on the All Grants screen. Select this link for the full text of the image.