Application Revision History

The Revision History screen shows a record of revision requests for a particular application. Users with access to the application can view the Revision History for any application without checking out the application. An application's Revision History can be accessed by either one of the following methods:

  • Selecting the application number link in the Grant # column from either the All Grants screen or Inbox screen and then selecting the Revision History link
  • Selecting the Revision History icon to the right of the Subgrant (Pre-Award Eligibility) Workflow icon on the All Grants screen

Alex will demonstrate how to access an application's Revision History by selecting the application number link.

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To review an application's Revision History, select the Grant # link on the Inbox screen. See Appendix for alt text description.A summary of the application details appears. To view the application's revision history, select the Revision History link in the upper right corner. See Appendix for alt text description.Revision History screen lists application number, title, sequential number of revision requests, queue, subgrant number, requestor's name, general comments, ability to add subgrants, and date. See Appendix for alt text description.After an application has been revised and resubmitted, the Revision History: Grant screen will display the name of the user who resubmitted the application, and the resubmission date. See Appendix for alt text description.
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From the Inbox, select the application number link in the Grant # column to review the Revision History of an application. Select this link for the full text of the image.
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A new window opens displaying a summary of the application. Select the Revision History link in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. Select this link for the full text of the image.
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The Revision History: Grant screen opens in a new window. This screen provides a history of revisions requested for the application. The history includes the Application number and title, the Revision Request #, the Queue from which the revision was requested (or “Grant” if requested out-of-queue), the Subgrant # for any subapplication that required revision, the requester's name, and the Date Requested. Also included are general comments and an indication whether more subapplications may be added to the application at that time. Out-of-queue revision requests will be discussed later in this lesson. Select this link for the full text of the image.
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If the Applicant has resubmitted the application, then the Revision History: Grant screen will also display the user name of the Applicant who resubmitted it and the Date Resubmitted. Select the Close button to return to the Inbox screen. Select this link for the full text of the image.