Lesson 10 Overview
Upon completion of this lesson, you should be able to:
  • Identify the differences between a subapplication created by a Subapplicant and an Applicant acting as Subapplicant subapplication
eGrants Scenario
Listen to Sally

Audio transcript

Your Role: A new Mitigation Grants Coordinator

Supervisor's Name: Sally Watkins, Hazard Mitigation Grants Supervisor

Agency: Columbia Emergency Management Agency

Problem: You need to create a management costs subapplication for your state agency

To Date: You have completed the Application Intake process for a paper subapplication in eGrants.

The Next Step: Sally will show you how to complete an Applicant acting as Subapplicant subapplication to apply for funds to cover the State of Columbia's federal award management costs.

Hello. It’s Sally here. The State of Columbia would like to apply for federal funds to cover the costs of managing the mitigation federal award that we are applying for. There is a type of subapplication, called an Applicant acting as Subapplicant subapplication for that kind of funding request. Once you have completed the Applicant acting as Subapplicant subapplication, you will need to give me access so I can sign and submit it. Then it can be included in the Columbia application.
Applicant Acting as Subapplicant Subapplications

An Applicant organization can apply for mitigation funds for projects, planning activities, Applicant management costs, and technical assistance (under the FMA program only) by completing an "Applicant acting as Subapplicant" subapplication. Since Applicants prepare these types of subapplications themselves, they do not need to conduct a formal review and approval of these subapplications before attaching them to their application.

The subapplication numbers of Applicant acting as Subapplicant subapplications are marked with a red G in the eGrants system (where the G refers to the former titles of an Applicant, i.e., Grantee or Grant Applicant).

Flow of Subapplications: electronic or paper copies (through Application Intake) go through Applicant Review and Approval, to be included in Applications. Subapplications created by Applicants do not. See Appendix for alt text description.
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Applicant Acting as Subapplicant Subapplication Variations

The sections of each type of an Applicant acting as Subapplicant subapplication are the same as the sections of each type of a Subapplicant's subapplication. However, several of the sections in an Applicant acting as Subapplicant subapplication have different fields or are completed differently than the sections of a Subapplicant's subapplication.



For subapplications being submitted under the Pre-Disaster Mitigation (PDM) grant program, the Applicant must answer the question asking if the Applicant is a small, impoverished community. The Subapplicant section also includes a Select Community button and all Applicants must select "Statewide" from the list of communities.
CommunityIf not already completed with information from the Subapplicant section, the Applicant must type "Statewide" in the Community Name field in the Find Community search screen.
Cost Estimate
The fields in the Grant Budget Class column and the Subgrant Budget Class column are required to be completed in Applicant acting as Subapplicant subapplications.

Evaluation Information

This section is included for planning and project subapplications to be submitted under the PDM grant program, but it is not included in management costs or technical assistance subapplications. This section will be identified as “not applicable” for planning and project subapplications under the Flood Mitigation Assistance (FMA) grant program. For Applicant acting as Subapplicant planning and project subapplications, all of the questions in this four-part section are required to be answered.        

Assurances and Certifications

Whether or not this section is included in all subapplications is determined by the Applicant in the Administrative Preferences. If the Applicant activates the Assurances and Certifications section, then Applicants must complete this section in Applicant acting as Subapplicant subapplications.
Creating or Copying an Applicant Acting as Subapplicant Subapplication

Just like subapplications created by Subapplicants, Applicant acting as Subapplicant subapplications can be created either by starting a new subapplication or by copying an existing Applicant acting as Subapplicant subapplication. For management costs and technical assistance Applicant acting as Subapplicant subapplications, you can choose to copy the Subapplicant, Contact, Community, and Schedule sections from existing subapplications.

Sally has asked you to start a new management costs Applicant acting as Subapplicant subapplication for the Columbia Emergency Management Agency and to give it the title of "Management Cost for Columbia EMA."
View an Un-submitted Applicant Acting as Subapplicant Subapplication
Subapplications are often in different stages of development. eGrants allows users to start their Applicant acting as Subapplicant subapplications and come back at a later time to complete them.

You can view any un-submitted Applicant acting as Subapplicant subapplication by selecting the Work on Un-submitted Subgrant Application(s) link from the Grant as Subgrant Application section of the Grant Applicant Homepage.

Screenshot of portion of Grant Applicant Homepage. Grant Acting as Subgrant Applications. The task option Work on Un-submitted Subgrant Application(s) is emphasized. See Appendix for alt text description.
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Update an Un-submitted Applicant Acting as Subapplicant Subapplication
You now need to continue working on the Columbia Emergency Management Agency management costs Applicant acting as Subapplicant subapplication you created. The Subgrant Status screen lists each of the subapplications that you have started, but not submitted.

When you began working on the management costs Applicant acting as Subapplicant subapplication, you didn't have the Federal Employer Identification (EIN) Number for the Applicant Information section. Sally has provided this information to you and you can now enter it into the subapplication to complete the section. You can make changes to the subapplication by selecting the Update Application link.
Subgrant Status: Un-submitted Application(s) screen displays applications that have been started, but not completed. Select the Update Application link to continue working on an application. See Appendix for alt text description.
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Subapplicant and Community Sections

In Applicant acting as Subapplicant subapplications, the bottom of the Subapplicant section includes a Federal Identification Processing Standard (FIPS) Place Code section to identify the community being served. From the list of communities available, the Applicant must select "Statewide."

For grant as subgrant applications that will apply to the entire state, select the Select Community button at the bottom of the Subapplicant screen and choose the Statewide option. See Appendix for alt text description.
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Also, in the Community section of an Applicant acting as Subapplicant subapplication, the Applicant must type "Statewide" in the Community Name field on the Find Community screen. Then, select the Search button, which will display the Search Results showing the Statewide option. Next, select the associated radio button and select the Select Community button. This will auto-populate the Community fields as being Statewide.

Cost Estimate Section
The Cost Estimate section in an Applicant acting as Subapplicant subapplication provides a detailed line item budget for the proposed activity, including both Grant and Subgrant Budget Classes for each line item.

Sally will demonstrate how to indicate the Grant and Subgrant Budget Classes for each line item in the Applicant acting as Subapplicant management costs subapplication.

Scroll down to see slideshow captions.

To begin working on the Cost Estimate section of a grant as subgrant application, you may select the 7. Cost Estimate link on the Sidebar Menu. See Appendix for alt text description.
From the Application Status screen, select the Cost Estimate link in the Sidebar menu.
To add a budget line item to an activity listed on the Scope of Work of a subgrant, select the Add Item button from the Cost Estimate screen. See Appendix for alt text description.
To add a cost line item, select the Add Item button.
When adding an item to the Cost Estimate section of a grant as subgrant application, you must provide the item name. Example shows "Hazard Mitigation Specialists." See Appendix for alt text description.
In the Item Name text field, enter the first item name. In this case, “Hazard Mitigation Specialists."
Select the grant budget class from the drop-down menu from the Cost Estimate Add Item screen. The example shows: Personnel. See Appendix for alt text description.
Select the Grant Budget Class drop-down menu. This drop-down menu has nine options. For this line item, select the “Personnel" option.
Select the Subgrant Budget Class from the drop-down menu on the Cost Estimate Add Item screen. The example shows: Travel. See Appendix for alt text description.
Select the Subgrant Budget Class drop-down menu. This drop-down menu has nine options. For this line item, select the “Travel” option.
Indicate the quantity of units of the Cost Estimate budget item on the Add Item screen. The example shows: 1751. See Appendix for alt text description.
The Hazard Mitigation Specialists will travel 1,751 miles. So, enter "1,751" in the Unit Quantity text field.
Select the unit of measure from the drop-down menu items on the Cost Estimate Add Item screen. The example shows Mile selected. See Appendix for alt text description.
Select the Unit of Measure drop-down menu. This drop-down menu has 18 options. Select the “Mile” option.
Enter the unit cost in the text field (emphasized). Example shows: $0.53. Then select the Save and Continue button (highlighted) to add a budget line item to the Cost Estimate section. See Appendix for alt text description.
Enter the unit travel cost in the Unit Cost text field. In this case, the unit cost is “53” cents. Then, select the Save and Continue button.
The details of the budget line item appear on the Cost Estimate screen under the associated activity from the application's Scope of Work section. See Appendix for alt text description.
The item you added now appears on the list in the Cost Estimate section. You can now add additional items.
Submit an Un-submitted Applicant Acting as Subapplicant Subapplication

Once all of the sections are labeled “Complete,” you will need to ask your supervisor, Sally, who has Sign/Submit authority, to sign and submit the 2017 Columbia Emergency Management Agency Applicant acting as Subapplicant management costs subapplication. You gave her access to the Applicant acting as Subapplicant management costs subapplication just as you did for the paper project subapplication you entered into eGrants for the River City floodplain acquisition project.

The process for submittal of Applicant acting as Subapplicant subapplication is similar to the Sign/Submit process for paper subapplications. To sign and submit the Applicant acting as Subapplicant subapplication, Sally will sign the subapplication by selecting the electronic signature checkbox, then select the Submit Application button.

After the Applicant acting as Subapplicant subapplication is submitted, it will be added to the list of all subapplications available to be attached to an application. It will have a designation of G to indicate that it was developed by the Applicant.
To submit a grant as subgrant application, a user with Sign/Submit access needs to select the electronic signature checkbox (emphasized) and the Submit Application button (emphasized). See Appendix for alt text description.
Select this link for the full text of the image.
Delete an Un-Submitted Applicant Acting as Subapplicant Subapplication

eGrants allows users to delete un-submitted Applicant acting as Subapplicant subapplications.

Reasons that users might choose to delete an un-submitted subapplication include the following:

  • The information in the subapplication is no longer current and it would be easier to start over than to make individual changes to the current subapplication.
  • The subapplication is old and was never submitted
  • The subapplication was created by mistake

Make sure you really want to delete the subapplication because once it’s deleted, you will not be able to recover the data in that subapplication.

Sally will demonstrate how to delete an un-submitted Applicant acting as Subapplicant subapplication.

Scroll down to see slideshow captions.

Screenshot of portion of Grant Applicant Homepage. Grant Acting as Subgrant Applications. The task option Work on Un-submitted Subgrant Application(s) is emphasized. See Appendix for alt text description.
From the Grant Applicant Homepage, select the Work on Un-Submitted Subgrant Application(s) link.
To delete an un-submitted subgrant application, check the box in the Select column to the left of the application title, then select the Delete Application button. See Appendix for alt text description.
In the Select column, check the box associated with the Applicant acting as Subapplicant subapplication title you wish to delete. The third subapplication listed is a duplicate of the one on the first row. So, check the box for the subapplication on the third row, and then select the Delete Application button.
The application year, title, and grant type of the subgrant application to be deleted is displayed with a question: Are you sure you want to delete the above application? Yes (highlighted) No buttons. See Appendix for alt text description.
When asked if you are sure you want to delete the subapplication, select the Yes button.
Screenshot Delete Application Results. The following applications are successfully delete. Application Year: 2017, Application Title: Management Cost for Columbia EMA, Grant Type: Management Cost Application.
A confirmation of your deletion appears on the Delete Application Results screen.
Lesson 10 Summary

In this lesson, you learned about:

  • The Applicant acting as Subapplicant subapplication process
  • The sections of an Applicant acting as Subapplicant subapplication that differ from a Subapplicant's subapplication
  • How to create or copy an Applicant acting as Subapplicant subapplication
  • How to complete the Community and Cost Estimate sections for Applicant acting as Subapplicant management costs and technical assistance subapplications
  • How to view, update, and delete un-submitted Applicant acting as Subapplicant subapplications
  • How to submit an Applicant Acting as Subapplicant subapplication

The next screen reviews the key points from Lesson 10.
Lesson 10 Summary (continued)

Some key points from this lesson:

  • An Applicant organization can apply for a subaward for projects, planning activities, management costs, and technical assistance under a FEMA federal award by submitting an Applicant acting as Subapplicant subapplication.
  • The following sections of an Applicant acting as Subapplicant subapplication has different fields than or is completed differently from a Subapplicant's subapplication: Subapplicant, Cost Estimate, Cost Share, and Evaluation Information.
  • For a proposed activity with statewide benefit, the Applicant user should select “Statewide” from the community listing in the Subapplicant section or type "Statewide" in the Community Name search field in the Community section.
  • Both the Grant and Subgrant Budget Classes must be provided in the Cost Estimate section of Applicant acting as Subapplicant subapplications.
  • The Applicant must complete the Assurance and Certifications section of an Applicant acting as Subapplicant subapplication if it was enabled in the Administrative Preferences.
  • eGrants allows users to begin working on Applicant acting as Subapplicant subapplications and come back at later time(s) to complete them.
  • You can view, update, delete, and submit Applicant acting as Subapplicant subapplications using the same process as for paper subapplications.
  • You can update sections of an un-submitted subapplication whether their status is "Complete" or "Incomplete."
  • If a subapplication is deleted, the data in the subapplications is not retrievable.
  • In order to sign and submit an Applicant acting as Subapplicant subapplication, an Applicant user with Sign/Submit access to the subapplication needs to select the checkbox stating that he/she is signing the subapplication.
  • The Applicant does not conduct a formal review and approval of Applicant acting as Subapplicant subapplications.