Lesson 8 Overview
When you have completed this lesson, you will be able to:
  • Identify the three levels of access available in eGrants and their limitations
  • Identify the process to authorize a user's access to an application or subapplication
eGrants Scenario
Listen to Sally

Audio transcript

Your Role: A new Mitigation Grants Coordinator

Supervisor's Name: Sally Watkins, Hazard Mitigation Grants Supervisor

Agency: Columbia Emergency Management Agency

Problem: As a new hire for the Columbia Emergency Management Agency, you recently applied for an eGrants account. You were only given View/Print and Create/Edit access.

To Date: You have entered most of the paper subapplication into eGrants and know that the next step will be the submission process for the paper subapplication.

The Next Step: Since you do not have Sign/Submit access, your supervisor, Sally Watkins, Hazard Mitigation Grants Supervisor, will show you how to provide her access to the paper subapplication so that she can submit it electronically on behalf of the Subapplicant.

Hi, it's Sally. I heard that you are almost finished entering the paper subapplication into eGrants. Since I have Sign/Submit privileges for the Columbia Emergency Management Agency, you will need to provide me access to the subapplication so I can submit it on behalf of River City.
Why Provide Access?

Within eGrants, users have the ability to grant, update, or revoke access to their subapplications and applications. Some of the reasons to grant someone else with access to a subapplication or application include the following:

  • Vacation: Arturo is creating a subapplication, but is about to leave for a two-week vacation. He doesn't want work on the subapplication to stop while he's gone. He gives Teresa, a co-worker, access to the subapplication so she can continue entering data in his absence.
  • Advice: Sayid, a new Agency employee, has completed his first application, but isn't sure that everything was entered correctly. He gives Claire, a more experienced eGrants user, access to his application so that she can check his work and make sure that it is correct.
  • Sharing: LaTonya, Destiny, and James are all involved with a proposed project to reduce recurring damage due to coastal erosion. They are completing a subapplication in the hopes of receiving funds for their project. LaTonya creates the subapplication and provides access to Destiny and James so that they may help enter the project data.
Levels of Access

When allowing someone access to a subapplication or application, different levels of access can be selected. More than one level may be selected.

  • Sign/Submit: This is the highest level of access, and it allows Subapplicants or Applicants to review, sign, and submit subapplications and applications.
  • Create/Edit: This is the middle level of access, and it allows eGrants users to view, create, and update subapplications and applications, but not to sign or submit them.
  • View/Print: This is the lowest level of access, and it allows eGrants users only to see subapplication and application data and print the information.
Business Rule

There are a few business rules related to the provision of access in eGrants. The first rule states that a subapplication or application owner may authorize or revoke access to the subapplication or application by other eGrants users who are within the same organization. However, the additional user's authorized role will determine the highest level of access he or she may be granted to any subapplication or application. In addition, Subapplicants can share their subapplications with Applicants prior to submitting them to the Applicant.

Example: Tameka, a community official in Alexandria, VA, has Sign/Submit level access in eGrants. She wants to provide Grace with access to her subapplication. However, Grace only has a Create/Edit level of access in eGrants. Therefore, Tameka may not provide Grace with Sign/Submit access to her subapplication, but she may provide Grace with Create/Edit access.

Example: Katie, a state official in Boston, MA, has Create/Edit level access in eGrants. She wants to provide Luong with access to her application. She has completed the application, and it is ready to be reviewed and submitted. Luong has a Sign/Submit level of access in eGrants. Therefore, Katie may provide Luong with Sign/Submit access to her application.

Authorizing Access

eGrants users can authorize access to their subapplications and applications to other Registered Users in the eGrants system within their organization. Sally wishes to grant your co-worker, Ramon Ramirez, access to the River City Floodplain Acquisition—Phase 1 subapplication so that he can verify that you have completed the sections correctly.

Search for a Registered User
Sally is going to show you how to search for a Registered User in the eGrants system in order to give Ramon access to the River City subapplication.

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Screenshot of portion of Grant Applicant Homepage. Subgrant Applications. The task option Work on Un-submitted Paper Subgrant Application(s) is emphasized. See Appendix for alt text description.
To authorize Ramon Ramirez's access to the River City Floodplain Acquisition—Phase 1 subapplication, we need to first locate him in the eGrants system. To do that, start on the Grant Applicant Homepage and select the Work on Un-submitted Paper Application(s) link.
Screenshot of Grant Status: Unsubmitted Paper Subgrant Application(s) screen. The View Details link in the Authorize/Revoke Access column is highlighted and enlarged for emphasis. See Appendix for alt text description.
The Grant Status: Unsubmitted Paper Application(s) screen appears. You need to select the subapplication you want to provide Ramon access to. So locate the River City Floodplain Acquisition—Phase 1 subapplication on the list and select the View Details link in the Authorize/Revoke Access column to the right of that title.
To search for a Registered User, select the Authorize Access button (highlighted) from the Authorize/Revoke Access screen. See Appendix for alt text description.
The Authorize/Revoke Screen appears. Select the Authorize Access button.
Screenshot Find Registered Users screen. The example shows Ramon entered in the First Name text field. The Search button is highlighted. See Appendix for alt text description.
The Find Registered Users screen appears. You will need to search for Ramon Ramirez's name. You can choose one or more criteria to search for him, including First Name, Last Name, Email address, or Agency. We will search by First Name. So type “Ramon" in the text field. Since we only need to complete one field to perform a search, we can leave the others blank. Select the Search button.
Find Registered Users screen. First Name: Ramon. Sort by dropdown menu extended and First Name is selected. See Appendix for alt text description.
Now, select the Sort by drop-down menu. You can see this menu has four options: First Name, Last Name, Email, and Agency. This lets you choose the way in which the results will be sorted. Choose "First Name."
Use the drop-down Results per page menu to choose how many results from your Find Registered User search to be displayed per page. Show 5 is selected and the Search button is highlighted. See Appendix for alt text description.
To choose how many results are displayed on a page, select the Results per page drop-down menu. This menu has four options. Let's select "Show 5." Then select the Search button.
Search Results screen. Select (radio button), First Name: Ramon, Last Name: Ramirez, Telephone Number: (blank), Email: ramirezr@cl.gov, Agency: Columbia EMA. Authorize Access button highlighted. See Appendix for alt text description.
Let's continue the Access Authorization process. We found Ramon's name on the Registered User list. Now we need to authorize his access to the River City Floodplain Acquisition—Phase 1 subapplication. Select the radio button in the Select column to the left of his name. Then, select the Authorize Access button.
Access Level and Time

When you provide an eGrants user access to your subapplication, you must state which level of access you are authorizing and how long the user will have access to the subapplication. However, you can set the access time limit for as long as you wish.

Sally wants you to provide Ramon Ramirez with Create/Edit access to the River City Floodplain Acquisition—Phase 1 subapplication. However, she believes Ramon only needs a short period of time to review the subapplication.

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Search Results screen. Select (radio button), First Name: Ramon, Last Name: Ramirez, Telephone Number: (blank), Email: ramirezr@cl.gov, Agency: Columbia EMA. Authorize Access button highlighted. See Appendix for alt text description.
Let's continue the Access Authorization process. We found Ramon's name on the Registered User list. Now we need to authorize his access to the River City Floodplain Acquisition—Phase 1 subapplication. Select the radio button in the Select column to the left of his name. Then, select the Authorize Access button.
At the bottom of the Update Access screen, indicate the level of access you wish to provide to a Registered User by selecting the checkboxes to the left of View/Print, Create/Edit, and or Sign/Submit. See Appendix for alt text description.
Scroll down to the bottom of the Update Access screen. To provide Ramon with Create/Edit access, you also need to provide him with View/Print access. Select the View/Print and Create/Edit checkboxes. If Ramon needed Sign/Submit access you would have to check all three boxes.
In the Access Information section of the Update Access screen, enter the period of time (2 is entered in the text field), and use the drop-down menu to select the unit of time. Days is selected. See Appendix for alt text description.
Now, we need to identify how long we want him to have access to the subapplication. I think he might need about two days to be able to review and edit the subapplication. So, type "2" in the Period of Time text field. Select the Unit of Time drop-down menu. This menu has four options. Select the "Day(s)" option.
You must justify providing access privileges  The example shows View/Print and Create/Edit privileges for 2 days with the justification "verification and advice." Save and Continue is highlighted. See Appendix for alt text description.
When you provide an eGrants user access to your subapplication, you need to explain why the access is necessary. In the justifications text field type the short explanation, "verification and advice.” Then, select the Save and Continue button.
On the Authorize/Revoke Access screen. Name: Ramon Ramirez, Email: ramirezr@cl.gov (hyperlinked), Status: Access Granted, Date: 05-22-2017, Action: Update, Deny/Revoke (hyperlinked). See Appendix for alt text description.
We can now see Ramon's name on the Authorize/Revoke Access screen. From this screen, you could change the access privileges of another user or return to the Grant Applicant Homepage.
Updating Access

There are a variety of reasons that you may need to update or change the level or duration of access you've provided to an eGrants user.

Sally has learned that Ramon Ramirez has not yet had time to review the River City Floodplain Acquisition—Phase 1 subapplication. He has just been promoted, and his new position has signature authority for the Columbia Emergency Management Agency. Sally wants to extend Ramon's access privileges so he can view, edit, and submit the subapplication for review.

Scroll down to see slideshow captions.

Screenshot of portion of Grant Applicant Homepage. Subgrant Applications. The task option Work on Un-submitted Paper Subgrant Application(s) is emphasized. See Appendix for alt text description.
Ramon hasn't had time to review and edit the River City subapplication. He asked for another week to get it done. You need to update his access privileges to extend his access to the subapplication. So, go to the Grant Applicant Homepage, and select the Work on Un-Submitted Paper Application(s) link.
Screenshot of Grant Status: Unsubmitted Paper Subgrant Application(s) screen. The View Details link in the Authorize/Revoke Access column is highlighted and enlarged for emphasis. See Appendix for alt text description.
On the Grant Status: Un-submitted Paper Application(s) screen you need to find the River City Floodplain Acquisition—Phase 1 subapplication so we can modify Ramon's access privileges. Now, select the View Details link to the right of the subapplication title.
Select the Update link (highlighted and emphasized) from the Action column on the Authorize/Revoke Access screen to change the level or duration of a user's access privileges. See Appendix for alt text description.
If the user you are looking for isn't listed on the Authorize/Revoke Access screen, you would need to perform a search, like you did earlier. Ramon's name is here, so we can select the Update link in the Action column to modify the amount of time he has access to the subapplication.
In the Access Information section of Update Access screen, the View/Print, Create/Edit, and Sign/Submit boxes are checked, the period of time is 5, and the unit of time is Day(s). See Appendix for alt text description.
We want to extend his access another few days, so let's enter "5" in the Period of Time text field and keep the Unit of Time as "Day(s)."
Justify increasing access duration. Enter an explanation into the Justification text field, select the Save and Continue. In this example, “needs more time to review subgrant application” is entered. See Appendix for alt text description.
Just like when we provided Ramon with Create/Edit access to the subapplication, you are going to need to enter a justification for updating his access. Type the explanation, "Needs more time to review subgrant application," in the justifications text field. Then select the Save and Continue button.
Revoking Access

From time to time, there may be a reason that you might need to revoke someone's access to a subapplication or application.

For example, if Ramon took a position in another department. He would no longer need access to the River City subapplication. Sally would need to revoke his access in eGrants.

The process is similar to the process for Updating a user's access. Instead of selecting the Update link, you select the Deny/Revoke link and confirm that you really do want to revoke his or her access by selecting the Yes button.

Lesson 8 Summary

You have completed the lesson on how to manage access to subapplications and applications in eGrants. In this lesson, you learned:

  • eGrants users may provide individuals with access to subapplications and applications, modify that access, or revoke the access.
  • From lowest to highest, the access levels are: View/Print, Create/Edit, and Sign/Submit.
  • The business rule is that eGrants users may not provide an individual with greater access to any subapplication or application than that individual's authorized level permits.
  • A justification for granting, updating, or revoking an eGrants user's access must be provided.
  • The time limit on an individual's access to your subapplication or application must also be indicated.