Cost Estimate Section
The Cost Estimate section in an Applicant acting as Subapplicant subapplication provides a detailed line item budget for the proposed activity, including both Grant and Subgrant Budget Classes for each line item.

Sally will demonstrate how to indicate the Grant and Subgrant Budget Classes for each line item in the Applicant acting as Subapplicant management costs subapplication.

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To begin working on the Cost Estimate section of a grant as subgrant application, you may select the 7. Cost Estimate link on the Sidebar Menu. See Appendix for alt text description.To add a budget line item to an activity listed on the Scope of Work of a subgrant, select the Add Item button from the Cost Estimate screen. See Appendix for alt text description.When adding an item to the Cost Estimate section of a grant as subgrant application, you must provide the item name. Example shows "Hazard Mitigation Specialists." See Appendix for alt text description.Select the grant budget class from the drop-down menu from the Cost Estimate Add Item screen. The example shows: Personnel. See Appendix for alt text description.Select the Subgrant Budget Class from the drop-down menu on the Cost Estimate Add Item screen. The example shows: Travel. See Appendix for alt text description.Indicate the quantity of units of the Cost Estimate budget item on the Add Item screen. The example shows: 1751. See Appendix for alt text description.Select the unit of measure from the drop-down menu items on the Cost Estimate Add Item screen. The example shows Mile selected. See Appendix for alt text description.Enter the unit cost in the text field (emphasized). Example shows: $0.53. Then select the Save and Continue button (highlighted) to add a budget line item to the Cost Estimate section. See Appendix for alt text description.The details of the budget line item appear on the Cost Estimate screen under the associated activity from the application's Scope of Work section. See Appendix for alt text description.
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Listen to Sally

From the Application Status screen, select the Cost Estimate link in the sidebar menu. Select this link for the full text of the image.
Listen to Sally

To add a cost line item, select the Add Item button. Select this link for the full text of the image.
Listen to Sally

In the Item Name text field, enter the first item name. In this case, “Hazard Mitigation Specialists." Select this link for the full text of the image.
Listen to Sally

Select the Grant Budget Class drop-down menu. This drop-down menu has nine options. For this line item, select the “Personnel" option. Select this link for the full text of the image.
Listen to Sally

Select the Subgrant Budget Class drop-down menu. This drop-down menu has nine options. For this line item, select the “Travel” option. Select this link for the full text of the image.
Listen to Sally

The Hazard Mitigation Specialists will travel 1,751 miles. So, enter "1,751" in the Unit Quantity text field. Select this link for the full text of the image.
Listen to Sally

Select the Unit of Measure drop-down menu. This drop-down menu has 18 options. Select the “Mile” option. Select this link for the full text of the image.
Listen to Sally

Enter the unit travel cost in the Unit Cost text field. In this case, the unit cost is "53" cents. Then, select the Save and Continue button. Select this link for the full text of the image.
Listen to Sally

The item you added now appears on the list in the Cost Estimate section. You can now add additional items. Select this link for the full text of the image.