Dealing With Nervousness
    Most of us experience at least some nervousness at the thought of being interviewed on-camera, but there are tips to help manage that nervousness:
  • Prepare. The more prepared you are, the less nervous you will feel. Practice your delivery using talking points.
  • Anticipate questions. Think like a reporter and anticipate the questions you might be asked. Reducing the “surprise” factor will reduce your nervousness.
  • Do something to relax yourself. Take a few deep breaths, stretch, or walk around. Find out what technique works best to relax you.
  • Use your nervousness as positive energy. Nervousness is not all bad! A bit of nervousness can energize your performance on-camera.
  • Realize the reporter wants you to succeed. In most cases, the reporter is not out to get you and really doesn’t want you to stumble over words or misspeak. If the interview is being taped, don’t hesitate to say, “I’d like to try that again” if your answer to a question came out tongue-tied.
  • Know it is okay to pause to gather thoughts. A pause will always seem longer to you than the audience, so don’t ramble or use fillers like “um” to take up dead air. Gather your thoughts and give your best answer.