Essential Elements of Information: What is It?

Essential Elements of Information are project-specific documentation required from the Applicant. They are the second way FEMA informs Applicants of required project-specific documentation. During the Recovery Scoping Meeting, the Program Delivery Manager discusses Essential Elements of Information with the Applicant.

During the Recovery Scoping Meeting when discussing Essential Elements of Information, the Program Delivery Manager will:

  • Explain what Essential Elements of Information are to the Applicant
  • Inform the Applicant that FEMA requests Essential Elements of Information based off the answers the Applicant provides to the Essential Elements of Information questionnaire
  • Ask the Applicant questions from the Essential Elements of Information questionnaire
  • Notify the Applicant that all Essential Elements of Information take place in Grants Portal
  • Inform the Applicant that they will receive a notification in Grants Portal and an email when a Program Delivery Manager sends them a request for Essential Elements of Information
  • Guide the Applicant through the process of submitting an Essential Elements of Information in Grants Portal, if necessary