EOC Activation Levels

Emergency Operations Centers frequently have multiple activation levels to allow for:

  • Response scaled to the incident
  • Delivery of the exact resources needed
  • A level of coordination appropriate to the incident

The level of activity within a center often increases as the size, scope, and complexity of the incident grow. If the incident requires additional support and coordination, the EOC director may activate additional staff to involve more disciplines, mobilize additional resources, inform the public, address media inquiries, involve senior elected and appointed officials, and request outside assistance.

 Activation LevelDescription
3Normal Operations/Steady State
  • Activities that are normal for the EOC when no incident or specific risk or hazard has been identified
  • Routine watch and warning activities if the EOC normally houses this function
2Enhanced Steady-State/Partial Activation
  • Certain EOC team members/organizations are activated to monitor a credible threat, risk, or hazard and/or to support the response to a new and potentially evolving incident
1Full Activation
  • EOC team is activated, including personnel from all assisting agencies, to support the response to a major incident or credible threat