Hazard Mitigation staff have a variety of FEMA resources available to help educate the public on tornado and high-wind mitigation techniques. Other resources are intended for the enrichment of building and emergency management professionals. Spend the time needed to become familiar with the purpose of and audience for the resources and publications that are included in this lesson.
At a disaster, the Hazard Mitigation Community Education and Outreach (CEO) group, in collaboration with the state, will decide which of these approved publications and resources support the Hazard Mitigation Strategy for the disaster.
In this lesson you will learn:
- Why it is important to direct members of the public to local building officials before they begin repairs or rebuilding
- How FEMA addresses the topic of disaster-related mold with the public
- Which FEMA publications are available to help the public understand tornado mitigation
- Which organizations offer mitigation information on their websites that complements the information provided by FEMA
At the end of this lesson you will:
- Identify why the public should be directed to local building officials before repairing or rebuilding structures damaged in a tornado or by high winds
- Recognize the information and advice to provide regarding mold
- Select websites that contain FEMA mitigation publications and FEMA partner organizations that promote tornado and wind mitigation