The How-To Series: Protecting Your Property from Wind

These publications provide information to homeowners and construction professionals on securing and protecting windows, doors, roofing, garage doors, and Exterior Insulation Finishing System (EIFS) walls.

The Protect Your Property from High Winds How to Series is available at From there you can select one or more of the topic areas.

Screen capture of a protion of the Protect Your Property for High Winds webpage. Protecting your property from high winds can involve a variety of actions, from inspecting and maintaining your building to installing protective devices. Most of these actions, especially those that affect the exterior shell of your building, should be carried out be qualified maintenance staff or professional contractors licensed to work in your state, county, of city. For buildings wiht Exterior insulation Finishinf Systems (EIFS) walls, a type of wall often used for commercial buidings, one example of wint protectionis inspecting and maintaining the walls. Link for: How to Series RSS.  Three of the links on this webpage are included in theimage, PDF icon Reinforce  and Replace Garage Door, text icon Reinforce  and Replace Garage Door, and PDF icon Protect Windoes and Doors with Covers. A graphic overlay show the upper corner of the Reinforce or Replace Garage Doors, Protecting your property for high winds document.